how about that for a headline?
if johnny did speak to chuck
what do you think chuckie would say?
how about that for a headline?.
if johnny did speak to chuck .
what do you think chuckie would say?
how about that for a headline?
if johnny did speak to chuck
what do you think chuckie would say?
i have a friend in the national guard and he says hes thinking about converting but they dont belive in military but he needs the army to pay for college and has a 6 year commitment.
what would happen?
do the names joshua, david, or samson
somehow remind you of war?
i've been sitting here a little while lurking about and reading posts...and.
forcing myself not to post to several threads that i know would get me.
i have a comment that i have to make though, and i hope that.
hey emy:
hang in there, and ignore the freaks and ghouls, if you feel some type of refuge coming out here don't let the voice of some run you off,
many wise and kind words were said throughout this thread so there is no need for me to repeat these, my sentiments echo these. . .
perhaps the atmosphere has indeed changed, and at times it is more evident than others, i'm also relatively new here, but in the months that i have been posting and reading i have noticed a few rivalries, between some and i have also noticed a clique, seems like you have to agree with certain views and certain opinions to not be signaled out
geez where have i heard this phrase before?
hey whatever, GOO already mentioned that i'm among the unwanted so let the truth be known, i've never been anything but honest and outspoken, so why stop now. . .
of the unwanted among the unwanted class
even when i was a dyed in the wool jw, there were a few things that never made any sense whatsoever to me.
like most dubs, i glossed over them, here's my top 3 doubts during my period of dubdom, doubts that were never resolved:.
"all scripture is inspired of god and beneficial for teaching".
anne rice
captured the sorrow of living eternally best
with claudia
bible group trespasses not forgiven.
late-shift worker sues, wins $632 from jehovah's witnesses who woke her.
cleona (ap) -- a lebanon county woman who said she repeatedly told jehovah's witnesses to stay off her property won a $632 judgment against one of them who showed up at her door and woke her up anyway.. 05/04/01.
that dub should have been underneath the car along side the sign she missed
a critique of suzi mayhem's theory of god .
i thought, when suzi first posted this, that it was a joke something like john cleese's classic "brontosaurus theory" skit in a monty python episode.
but mr. "dark clouds" has sort of asked me to critique it as if it were a serious theory, so here goes.. i'll address this to suzi, but suzi dear, don't take this too seriously.
oh alan could it be oh could it be that you are still projecting
god diggidy dang
possibilities are so many
dark mind that is catchy i like it
seems that there is alot of activity in this darkness
more than you would ever allow yourself in the vacuum between your ears
"you're not even wrong".
It's truly amazing that someone can read words on a page and yet so completely misunderstand them.---alan
in your mathematical mind you misunderstood
it is that simple
deal with it will you
a critique of suzi mayhem's theory of god .
i thought, when suzi first posted this, that it was a joke something like john cleese's classic "brontosaurus theory" skit in a monty python episode.
but mr. "dark clouds" has sort of asked me to critique it as if it were a serious theory, so here goes.. i'll address this to suzi, but suzi dear, don't take this too seriously.
god dang it
the simplest things are soooo overlooked
excuse me while i gloat!!!!
hey alan-stein,
you know that c in the equation
the one that represents the speed of light
sit down for this one
well i'm sitting here, typing away
remembering a class i took back in high school as a sophomore,
astronomy it was called
and i remember c being nick-named the speed limit of the universe
conceptually nothing is absolute,
atoms were assumed to be the smallest particles until
protons, neutrons and electrons
were discovered
then those were followed by even smaller particles
im not a scientist
but i believe these were called
anyhows as to not go off subject
that c in the equation it is squared
like in
c * c
this implies that light has the potential to
go even faster
that is pretty fucking fast mate
will you now retort that c only represents 186,000 as a numeral in the equation?
c'mon alan if yu were so smart you would be in hawkings place writing those books
i simply speculate because i know how to
and im not afraid to share my views
im not absolute
just not afraid to question
and think
fuzzy boy chuck
a critique of suzi mayhem's theory of god .
i thought, when suzi first posted this, that it was a joke something like john cleese's classic "brontosaurus theory" skit in a monty python episode.
but mr. "dark clouds" has sort of asked me to critique it as if it were a serious theory, so here goes.. i'll address this to suzi, but suzi dear, don't take this too seriously.
my oh my
that sounded like an ass being ripped anew
a critique of suzi mayhem's theory of god .
i thought, when suzi first posted this, that it was a joke something like john cleese's classic "brontosaurus theory" skit in a monty python episode.
but mr. "dark clouds" has sort of asked me to critique it as if it were a serious theory, so here goes.. i'll address this to suzi, but suzi dear, don't take this too seriously.
in the spirit of brevity and conciseness:
someone posed a question,
do you have any idea what an imaginary distance is? Or an imaginary time? Of course not, and neither does anyone else.
apparently Steve Hawking and the rest of the mathematical community do
ladies and gentlemen
this is irony
and/or a multiple personality disorder
for later he himself
yes fellow readers
the poser of the question
answered it with Steve Hawking's words. . .
Imaginary time may sound like science fiction but it is in fact a well-defined mathematical concept.
let the evidence speak for itself. . .
seems irrational
(with you being a doctor of physics and all)
that you would forget having read hawking's writing
at some point during your education,
and considering you do know the page number. . .
that you would then ask such a proposterous question.
seems like the certificate is imaginary after all
and it exists in your conceptual reality
or should i say virtual reality
sitting high on your throne were you?
how's that for a slice of humble pie
your own words betray you
why don't you be a man about it and accept the fact that my use of the word is exactly whatyou misinterpreted and go back and read the first post
you totally understood and understand what i said
but you chose to be ignorant
in the words of the tralfamadorians
'so it goes'
ps. it is said that great minds think alike
apparently hawking and i have something in common
all you have to do is pay some (phony) penance and a variation of the following:.
day 1 in hospital - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.
hlc to jw patient: did you take blood today?.
knowledge IS king
thanx tally